Web Developer
Loïc Roger
My name is Loïc Roger, I’m 27 and I was born on July 20, 1997 in Arès (33).
Living in Metz, I moved to Nancy to join the Epitech school. It was a great opportunity for me to join this team and finally be able to blossom totally in one field.
Now that I’ve graduated, I’m currently a Software Engineer with Sogeti Luxembourg, based in Bertrange.
In my spare time, I also offer my services to create websites.
My Courses
Computer Expertise
Obtaining a Master’s degree specialized in digital transformation (Promo Major)
Université de Lorraine
Bachelor’s Degree in Life Science
Obtaining a degree in biochemistry Parcours MCO (Molecules Cells Organisms) specialized in medical.
Lycée Georges de la Tour
Scientific Baccalaureate
Obtaining the Baccalauréat S Specialized in Life and Earth Sciences
My experience
Arrived in 2018 at the school of computer expertise
I specialized in front-end web development, then I wanted to continue acquiring knowledge by doing an internship where my role was to be a Web Developer.
Arriving in a Start-up (Owlie), I had the opportunity to work in various areas of Web development, I also worked on views of a mobile application but also made websites in VueJS and WordPress.
I then did my work-study at Dataraxys, where I was able to deepen my knowledge of web development with Vuejs on the front-end and Java on the back-end.
Today, I’m with Sogeti, where I’m a software engineer, combining full-stack development with project management and customer relations.
Realization of IT projects (VueJS & Java) in connection with various ministries in Luxembourg (Ministry of Housing, Ministry of Families, etc.).
2021 – Now (3 years)
Software Developer
Realization of IT projects for transport networks (Ticketing, real time, websites…) in Java and Vuejs
2019 – 2021 (2 years)
Work Tools

“Extremely efficient and pragmatic.
I had the pleasure to work with Loïc on multiple projects within the studio (VueJS, Firebase, WordPress…) and his enthusiasm and perseverance make him a very good asset.
Human qualities are also there, Loïc has integrated very well into the team.”
“Loïc knew, without any computer technical background, how to play the game and progressed enormously during his time at EPITECH. His enthusiasm and perseverance make him a very good element who will be able to take any situation on the right side and with the necessary hindsight to get the best out of it.”