After graduating with a degree in biology, I wanted to change and make my passion, which is computer science, my profession.
I succeeded, after passing some tests, to enter directly in the third year at the school of Computer Science Expertise {EPITECH}.
So it’s only in 2018 that my professional career in Computer Science starts…
Epitech is a unique school, by its pedagogy which favours the success of its students by offering diverse courses which adapt to the rhythm and desires of the students and within the framework of the school’s values.
Epitech is all about developing expertise, becoming a visionary and leader, learning to work as a team and helping each other.


Making Epitech requires a significant personal investment, both in terms of work and adaptability.
Students show courage by constantly questioning themselves, by accepting to go outside their comfort zone.

Solidarity means helping each other to succeed, leaving no one by the wayside, building strong work teams.
It also means helping to solve societal problems using technology to make the world a better place.

Excellence, both in technical and interpersonal skills.
Excellence means constantly striving to give the best of oneself.
Excellence also means being able to accept criticism in order to progress.
A complete IT and professional formation
IT Developpement
Constant training in computer development with any language to become familiar with the logic of the code.
Foreign languages
Nowadays, English is indispensable in the world of work, even more so when working in IT.
Design Developement
The school teaches us the Importance of Design, because it is the only view of the final product that the client can see.
Entering yhe world of work
The best way to learn is learning in companies, being in contact with a boss, colleagues, customers.
Systems and Networks
Development is important, but so is knowing the heart of a computer by having a base of networks and systems.
Formation in business, marketing
Most of Epitech’s students open their own business, and give up computer science to take care of their project.
Different IT Languages
We studied a lot of languages, to familiarize ourselves with the “beast and villain” logic of the code:

C / C++
The very first language we are taught at school. A good pedagogical way to teach us the basics of the code.

The Java language, like C++, taught me how to learn Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

Bash is a “shell” language, it can be used to write scripts to run a set of commands.

Web Developpement
My favorite area of development. I started by learning the basics like HTML and CSS, then I learned to handle some JS frameworks (Angular…)
Then I got interested in back-end (databases) by learning PHP, then other frameworks like Symfony.

Very important, Git is a tool for saving, sending, and retrieving work. Git is more than necessary in computer science.